Physics Colloquium

Monday, 17:15 in Hörsaal I, Physics Highrise

Renowned speakers and young researchers give lectures about current topics of modern physics. The lectures are public and address a broad audience.

Winter Semester 2024/2025:

kolloqthumb175x80.gif Mon 14.10.2024, 17:15 -   Gr. HS
Super-resolution imaging of transcription in living cells (more...)
Ibrahim Cisse
MPI Freiburg

kolloqthumb175x80.gif Mon 21.10.2024, 17:15 -   Gr. HS
Let's talk about Science, Baby! (more...)
Anna Weber
Neue Zuericher Zeitung

kolloqthumb175x80.gif Mon 04.11.2024, 17:15 -   Gr. HS
Molecular chirality - does it matter? (more...)
Lukas Bruder
University Freiburg

kolloqthumb175x80.gif Mon 11.11.2024, 17:15 -   Gr. HS
What should pupils know about modern quantum physics - and why? (more...)
Stefan Heusler
University Muenster

kolloqthumb175x80.gif Next Colloquium:
Mon 18.11.2024, 17:15 -   Gr. HS
Turbulence - the greatest unsolved problem in classical physics? (more...)
Petri Kapyla
Kiepenheuer Inst. for Solar Physics

kolloqthumb175x80.gif Mon 25.11.2024, 17:15 -   Gr. HS
Precision Tests of the Standard Model at low energies using stored exotic ions in Penning traps (more...)
Klaus Blaum
MPI Heidelberg

kolloqthumb175x80.gif Mon 02.12.2024, 17:15 -   Gr. HS
The charming side of antimatter (more...)
Marco Gersabeck
University Freiburg

kolloqthumb175x80.gif Mon 09.12.2024, 17:15 -   Gr. HS
Physics of Structure Formation in Living Systems (more...)
Stephan Grill
MPI Dresden

Mon 16.12.2024, 17:15 -   Gr. HS
Exoplanets, their Atmospheres and the Search for Life Elsewhere
Kevin Heng
LMU Muenchen

Mon 13.01.2025, 17:15 -   Gr. HS
Listen to the Universe with gravitational waves
Katharina Isleif
University Hamburg

kolloqthumb175x80.gif Mon 20.01.2025, 17:15 -   Gr. HS
Microtubules' bends, cryo-cool ribosomes, and wet proteins (more...)
Helmut Grubmueller
MPI Goettingen

Mon 27.01.2025, 17:15 -   Gr. HS
The future energy system - system architecture and key technologies
Hans-Martin Henning
ISE Freiburg

Mon 03.02.2025, 17:15 -   Gr. HS
Quantum Technologies for the Life Sciences
Martin Plenio
University Ulm

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