International exchange programs
Information about international exchange programs for incoming and outgoing students of the physics department.
- Erasmus information lecture: 29th November 2016, 18:15 Uhr, Hörsaal 2, Physikhochhaus
- Erasmus Coordinator Department
J.Prof. Dr. Harald Ita
Further contact details and office hours.
- EU-Büro: Erasmus-Studium-Team
Former webpages:
Information event:
Erasmus application:
- Information EU-Büro
- Up-to-date list and contracts with partner Universities
- Incoming students: general information and application
- Outgoing students
- Info by European Commission for students and more broadly
Some further programs:
Latest information by International Office of the University
Baden-Württemberg scholarships of the University
Scholarship of British Council for the UK (deadlines for Oxford and Cambridge on 15th October, elsewhere on 15th of January)
EUCOR: for studying in Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Basel (trinational Oberrhein region)
Fulbright scholarships (USA, main deadlines June 2015 for 2016/2017)