Doctoral (PhD) examination procedure according to new regulations

Information regarding the new doctoral examination procedure in accordance with the new Doctoral Degree Regulations (Promotionsordnung, PromO) (06.06.2016)


Frau B. Seger                                                                                                                           
Physik Westbau, 1st floor
Raum 01-020
tel: 0761/203-5789


Doctoral Degree Regulations

The new Doctoral Degree Regulations became effective on June 1st, 2016:


 Step by Step Instructions (Schedule)

Information: Persons interested in a dissertation first have to find a supervisor (professor or private lecturer) with whom all further details will be dicussed. This procedure is not applicable for doctoral programs in the context of graduate schools.

0. Registrierung / Immatrikulation

According to the Doctoral Degree Regulation (RPO) all PhD students of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg have to immatriculate or to register. In case you are immatriculated a registration is not required.

Differences between immatriculation and registration are explained in the linked flyer.

More information on  immatriculation and registration can be found on the websites of the Freiburg Research Services.


Since January 2024, you have to submit the application for acceptance as a doctoral student online via HISinOne:

The application for acceptance as a doctoral student is generated in the last step from the information entered.

Once completed, the application must be printed out and submitted to the Physics Examination Office with all the necessary documents. If the application documents are complete in accordance with the doctoral regulations, a decision on acceptance will generally be made at the subsequent doctoral committee meeting. After the decision has been made, you will receive a notification about the acceptance or rejection of your application.

Submission deadlines for the application for acceptance:

  • for domestic university degrees: two weeks before the meeting of the doctoral committee,
  • for foreign university degrees: three weeks before the meeting of the doctoral committee


A certificate of acceptance/rejection as a doctoral candidate can only be issued after the doctoral committee has made a decision.

Please contact B. Seger if you have any questions: or Tel. 0761/203-5789;


I. Admission as PhD Student

Before beginning the dissertation the following documents have to be filed out and handed in at the examination office physics:


All PhD candidates have to comply with the following documents:



II. Initiation of the Doctoral Procedure

With the submission of the dissertation the PhD candidate applies for the initiation of the doctoral procedure.

  • Not later than 10 weeks prior to the oral examination's date (§9 (2)&(4) of the doctoral examination regulations (June 6th, 2016)) the Proposal for Initiation of the Doctoral Procedure (pdf) as well as the dissertation have to be present at the examination office physics. Missing this deadline can result in a postponed oral examination's date.
  • Besides the respective supervisor the PhD candidate has to name an experimental and a theoretical  physicist as his/her examiners. Please use the following form: Determination of the examiners (oral examination) and second assessor (dissertation) (pdf)


The examination committee for the oral examination will be appointed by the examination board in accordance with §10 (1) of the doctoral examination regulations (June 6th, 2016).

The PhD candidate as well as the assigned examiners will receive a notification email as soon as the examiners are determined. After that it is possible to arrange a date for the oral examination. 

It is indispensable to inform the examination office about the respective oral examination date so that the referees can be notified in due time about the submission's deadline of their reports. 


Regarding the preparation and submission of a cumulative dissertation at the Department of Physics the following guidelines apply:



III. Disclosure Requirements

Within one year of the standing of the oral examination the PhD candidate is bound to publish the submitted and accepted dissertation including all changes made and accepted by the examination committee. 

Prior to the publication the PhD candidate has to obtain his/her supervisor's permission. Please use the following form:


The following ways of publication are accepted:

  1. electronic publication via FreiDok (Research Information System, University Librar Freiburg) & submission of four hard copies (dissertation in physics: two hard copies) and an electronic version
  2. publication via a commercial publisher (publishing industry) including a verification of (1) a minimum circulation of 150 copies as well as (2) a designation of the publication as dissertation including the information where the dissertation was conducted (edition notice); additional submission of four copies
  3. publication in a scientific journal plus submission of four special prints
  4. publication of the articles of a cumulative dissertation in scientific journals plus submission of six hard copies of the complete dissertation


On the back of the title page of the obligatory copies the following information is required:

  1. names of referees
  2. name of dean
  3. the official date of the dissertation (date of the oral examination)


  • Title Page (pdf)


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