Outgoing students
Information International Office (IO)
- Information and guidelines
- See presentation given at info event posted on these webpages (home)
- You can find the collection of reports of students from previous years at the IO.
Further information:
- If all agree I can get you in touch with students of previous years (please ask me in person).
- After your nomination we can arrange meetings to discuss progress and open issues.
Deadlines before mobility:
News/changes to the application procedure will appear on this webpage. It will be useful to watch this webpage during your application and your stay abroad.
- Info-meeting late November or early December
- January 15th: formal application for the following academic year (winter + summer sem.) in our Physics Department;
- Nomination:
- During January and February: distribution/discussion about free slots at host universities
- By end of March: definite reply about the your nominations to the universities; if you have not heard from me by the end of March, please contact me. (In any case, better you send more then fewer emails, so we know things are progressing OK.)
- Soon (1-2 weeks) after I informed you about your nomination, you should receive login information for the online system of the IO/EU-office. (If you do not receive a link, please contact me or the IO-office.)
- End of April submit to IO:
You have to follow the online system (Mobility-Online), which covers all aspects of your registration. The key documents you will have to send to me (via Email) for my signature and then upload. The important forms are:
- Registration
- Learning agreement (LA) (60 ECTS for full year, signed by host)
- Transcript of records (ToR) (signed by local coordinator & Prüfungsamt) or overview of study records from campus management system
- Online-Linguistic support (OLS) and test (link sent via email by IO-office)
- Important: Individual deadlines concerning the formal application as erasmus-exchange student at host university:
- You have to register at the host universities. You should be sent information via the online system of IO/EU-office, however, it will be best to google the individual registration deadlines of your host very early, so that you can become proactive in case of delays.
- Application forms to be obtained from hosts (watch deadlines of host)
- Housing application to be obtained from hosts (watch deadlines of host)
- Beurlaubung:
- Fill in the "Beurlaubung" within the deadline of the "Rückmeldung"
- LA signature by host:
- The deadline for the host signature on the LA is 'before the exchange starts'. However, it is best to acquire the signature before the summer break starts.
Deadlines during mobility
- Within two weeks of start of term at host university (if violated funding must be returned):
- Send changes of Learning Agreement to IO
Confirm changes of Learning Agreement and recognition of changes with coordinator at home university
- Confirmation of stay abroad: you have to obtain the `Ankunftsbestätigung' and `Aufenthaltsbestätigung' (Certificate of Arrival) signed by your host. Please use only forms that can be downloaded from your Mobility-Online accounts. You have to upload the documents after your stay, however, you can send them to me earlier, in oder to have a backup.
Deadlines after mobility
- Before July 31st (if violated funding must be returned):
- Completed Learning Agreement after mobility
- Transcript of records form provided by host: signed by host
- Detailed student report about stay abroad submitted to IO
- Proof of stay abroad by host university (confirming start, duration and end of stay)
- EU-survey: link sent via email
- Online linguistic test (OLS): link to test sent via email
Host specific information (provided by previous students)
- Reports from previous students are collected by the IO.
- Upon request I can get you in touch with former Erasmus students of your host.
- Apart from native speakers (receiving country's language is native languages), every Outgoing has to do the OLS language test.
- Some universities do not accept the OLS test. I can sign relevant documents to confirm your participation.
- If you have urgent request during your stay, please email. Please phrase clearly and send contact details if needed.
- Important information about your host institute can be found on the contracts.
- Anrechnung eines Kurses für zwei Veranstaltungen in Freiburg: Z.B. Kurs im Ausland für 10 ECTS, kann man 5 ECTS für das fachfremde Modul und 5 für BOK-Kurse anrechnen lassen? Nein, die Aufteilung der ECTS Punkte ist nicht möglich.
- Fachfremder Austausch bzw Anfragen ausserhalb der Partnervertraege:
Laut IO "Fachfremde Freiburger Studierende können sich bei den Freiburger Fachverantwortlichen um Restplätze bemühen. Allerdings ist das Verfahren aufwändig, denn diese Plätze werden immer nachrangig vergeben; die Partnerhochschulen müssen nicht nur einer fachfremden Bewerbung zustimmen, sondern auch den Aufenthalt fachlich betreuen. Zudem sind die Freiburger Verantwortlichen der eigentlichen Studienfächer in den fachfremden ERASMUS+-Aufenthalt einzubinden durch fachliche Beratung, Erstellung der Studienverträge und Anerkennung der im Ausland erbrachten Studienleistungen." - Extended FAQ document as PDF (updated 01/2022): FAQ_Outgoings.pdf
- Gesuchte Info doch beim IO? Link zu IO
Non-physics applicants:
- Regulations
- Non-physics students can apply for physics student Erasmus slots, but physics students are prioritised
- Selection process is delayed to February/March
- Consensus required by all involved coordinators in Freiburg
- Consensus required by all involved coordinators abroad; the applicant's duty to arrange this (sometimes difficult).