General information - doctoral degree (PhD)
For a doctoral position please apply directly at one of the research groups of the institute (→ research groups) or at on of our graduate researcht training groups (→ research training programmes).
Culture of Supervision at the University of Freiburg
The university would like to offer the best possible conditions for a good supervisory relationship. To this end, it has developed the Guidelines for Good Supervision of Doctoral Candidates at the University of Freiburg. The aim of these guidelines is to establish lasting standards for a culture of supervision that gives equal consideration to doctoral candidates and their supervisors.
Examination Office - Physics
Birgit Seger
Physik Westbau 1st floor (left)
room 01-020
phone: 0761/203-5789
The examination office provides general information for PhD students of the Institute of Physics. For detailed conditions and legal regulations please refer to the official doctoral degree regulations (Promotionsordnung, PromO).
Important Note (new doctoral degree regulations):Since 01.06.2016 *new* Doctoral Degree Regulations (PromO, english translation) of the Albert-Ludwigs-University for the faculty of Mathematics and Physics are in effect. According to the temporary arrangements (Übergangsbestimmungen §28 PromO) the following rules apply:
Doctoral (PhD) examination procedure / Forms
Here you find detailed information on the organization of the examination procedure and the individual steps leading to the doctoral degree:
Doctoral degree regulations
- new regulations (Promotionsordnung für die Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik vom 06.06.2016)
new Doctoral Degree Regulations for the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Promotionsordnung, english translation)
- old regulations (Promotionsordnung für die Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik i.d.F. vom 23.11.2012)