Research Groups
- Cluster and Synchrotron Spectroscopy
Prof. Dr. T. Lau - Experimental Attosecond and Laser Physics
Prof. Dr. G. Sansone - Experimental Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Prof. Dr. T. Schätz - Molecular and Nanophysics
Prof. Dr. F. Stienkemeier - Clusterphysics
apl. Prof. Dr. B. v. Issendorff - Quantum Optics and Statistics
Prof. Dr. A. Buchleitner
apl. Prof. Dr. H.-P. Breuer
- Experimental Polymer Physics
Prof. Dr. G. Reiter - Nanophysics and Molecular Nanomagnets
Prof. Dr. O. Waldmann - Funktional Nanosystems
Prof. Dr. M. Moseler
PD Dr. M. Walter - Statistical Physics of Soft Matter and Complex Systems
Prof. Dr. T. Schilling - Biomolecular Dynamics
Prof. Dr. G. Stock - Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Prof. Dr. M. Thoss - Dynamics in the Life Sciences
Prof. Dr. J. Timmer - Applied Theoretical Physics - Computational Physics
Prof. Dr. J. Dzubiella - Solar Energy - Materials and Technology
Prof. Dr. A.W. Bett
- Experimental Particle Physics
Prof. Dr. M. Gersabeck - Experimental Particle Physics
Prof. Dr. K. Jakobs
Hon.-Prof. Dr. P. Jenni - Experimental Particle Physics
Prof. Dr. M. Schumacher - Exp. Astroparticle Physics
Prof. Dr. M. Schumann
apl. Prof. Dr. H. Fischer - Theoretical Astroparticle Physics
JProf. Dr. S Vogl - Theory of Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory
Prof. Dr. S. Dittmaier - Theoretical Particle Physics
Prof. Dr. H. Rzehak
- Medical Physics (University Hospital)
Prof. Dr. M. Bock*
- Bio and Nanophotonics (Faculty of Engineering)
Prof. Dr. A. Rohrbach*
- Computational Neuroscience (Faculty of Biology)
Prof. Dr. S. Rotter*
- Physical Chemistry (Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy)
Prof. Dr. T. Hugel*
- Applied Solid State Physics (IAF)
apl. Prof. Dr. J. Wagner
PD Dr. T. Wellens - Theoretical Materials Physics (IWM)
apl. Prof. Dr. C. Elsässer
Prof. Dr. M. Moseler - Spectroscopy of Optical Materials (IPM)
PD Dr. F. Kühnemann - Solar Energy Systems (ISE)
Prof. Dr. A.W. Bett
* co-opted professors
Research topics
A strong atomic and molecular physics group, with expertise ranging from mathematical physics over ion trap, Bose-Einstein condensation and Rydberg physics to femtosecond spectroscopy of macro-molecular structures, together with the sun physics group, strongly relies on light-matter-interaction for the detailed analysis of complex structures and transport processes on very diverse scales. Classical and quantum theory of complex systems, with a strong computational component, join with experimental polymer science, nano-magnetism and photovoltaic research in the broad context of condensed matter and applied physics.
The institute has strong and internationally very visible experimental and theoretical particle physics groups. The experimental programme is focussed on experiments at the European Centre for particle physics, CERN, in Geneva/Switzerland. Physicists from the institute have contributed significantly to the discovery of the Higgs boson via their strong involvement in the ATLAS experiment. Another research line is the direct search for dark matter with low-background detectors. The activities in particle theory range from precision studies of the strong and electroweak interactions over quantum-field-theoretical aspects to the exploration of model extensions with new theoretical structures.
Research projects and postgraduate qualification programmes
- Research Training Group "Mass and Symmetries after the Discovery of the Higgs Particle at the LHC" (GRK 2044)
- Research Training Group "Dynamics of Controlled Atomic and Molecular Systems" (RTG 2717)
- DFG Research Unit "Reducing complexity of nonequilibrium systems" (FOR 5099)
- Collaborative Research Center "Biological Design and Integrative Structures" (SFB-TRR 141)
- FRIAS Forschungsschwerpunkt "Designed Quantum Transport in Complex Materials"
Cooperations und participating Research Centers
Professors of the institute hold joint appointments with external institutes in Freiburg, such as the Institute for Solar Physics (KIS), the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials (IWM) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE).
- Institute for Solar Physics (KIS)
- Fraunhofer-Institute for Mechanics of Materials (IWM)
- Fraunhofer-Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE)
Members of the institute pursue research programmes at one of the academic centers of the university or are fellow at ther Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS).
- Freiburg Materials Research Center (FMF)
- Freiburg Centre for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies (FIT)
- Freiburg Centre for Data Analysis and Modeling (FDM)
- Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)