Master-of-Science (M.Sc.) Physics

Master Banner

The Master-of-Science in Physics aims to continue, deepen and broaden studies begun at the Bachelor level and qualifies students for a scientific career (i.e. postgraduate PhD programme) or a leading position in industry and research.



The Master programme in Physics in Freiburg offers participants to consolidate their knowledge in advanced theoretical and experimental physics. Advanced quantum mechanics and the Master Laboratory are mandatory classes.

Advanced physics courses can be selected from a range of state-of-the-art topics in the main research areas of the department Atomic, Molecular and Optical Sciences, Condensed Matter and Applied Physics or Particles, Fields and Cosmos. In addition, students can select from a variety of elective courses in physics, or from course programmes of other faculties.

During their final one-year Master thesis, students specialize in a particular field by participating in a cutting-edge research project at the Institute of Physics or one of the associated research centers. Successful students are qualified for independent research in physics and will be prepared for a scientific career in research, academia, or industry. Furthermore, they are on the next step towards a PhD study, which generally is a prerequisite for leading positions in economy or industry, or for a later academic career.

  Programme flyer (pdf)


Total Credits and Duration

Credits:   120 ECTS-Credit Points
Duration:   4 semesters / 2 years


Language of Instruction



Begin of Studies

winter semester (end of October) or
summer semester (mid of April)



International students from non-European Union (EU) countries will have to pay a student fee of 1.500 Euro per semester. Information on student fees for international students and possible exceptions can be found in the student portal.

In addition a semester administrative contribution of currently 180 Euro per semester is charged.


Application and admission procedure (see "Application")


Application deadlines:

Application deadline for the winter term is 15th of July and for the summer term 15th of January.

The complete application must be received by the application deadline. About one or two weeks after deadline, the admission committee meets and decides about admission. Letters of acceptance or refusion will be sent as soon as possible.


Application procedure

Application for the summer semester 2025 is possible from 15.09.2024 to 15.01.2025.

Application for the winter semester 2025/26 is possible from 01.03.2025 to 15.07.2025.

Within this application period please register and log in to the online application portal . Fill the required information and upload the requested documents. To finalize your application, you have to print the Confirmation Form, sign it and upload a scan to the portal.

The following documents have to be uploaded:


  • your undergraduate diploma (including translated copy in German or English)
    If you have not yet completed your undergraduate studies, a certified  transcript of marks is sufficient.
  • your transcript of marks/Transcript of Records (including translated copy in German or English)
  • proof of English proficiency (B2-level), e.g. TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge Certificate
  • "Motivation Letter", in which you state the motivation for your application (max. one A4-page)
  • APS certificate (for applicants from China, Vietnam and Mongolia only)
(Please send no application documents by regular post mail!)


Admission requirements:

Admission is subject to the admissions regulations ("Zulassungsordnung" - legal text is in German - inofficial English translation). Official information about the master's programme including admission and examination regulations can be found on the information page in the "Student Portal".

Admission requirements are:
  • High school diploma (university entrance qualification)
  • A Bachelor's degree in physics that is officially recognised in Germany or an equivalent degree, satisfying the following conditions: 

- An equivalent of at least 32 ECTS credits in courses in theoretical physics (mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics/statistical physics)

- An equivalent of at least 32 ECTS credits in courses in experimental physics (mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, optics, structure of matter)

- An equivalent of at least 24 ECTS credits in courses in mathematics (analysis, linear algebra)

- An equivalent of at least 18 ECTS credits in physics lab courses (beginners, advanced lab)

- A Bachelor's thesis in physics (equivalent of 10 ECTS credits) or equivalent. 

- Bachelor’s degrees from non-European countries need to be from 4-year programmes. You can apply if you have a 3-year degree AND either a graduate diploma or master’s degree (1-2 years).

  • Language proficiency: B2 in English.
  • Admission is not granted if the applicant has lost the "Prüfungsanspruch" (has ultimately failed) in a master's degree programme or an equivalent programme in physics

The admission committee decides on equivalence of degrees and about exceptions from special conditions. Before the meeting of the admission committee, no reliable information about the success of an application.



Dr. Markus Walther

Study Programme


Course of study

The regular duration of the master programme is 4 semesters (2 years) and is devided into a scientific consolidation phase (first year) followed by a research phase (second year).

Whereas the research phase is given by the 6-month research traineeship and the master thesis, in the consolidation phase students can select their courses by own choice.

For begin of studies in the winter semester the following study plan is suggested. For begin in the summer semester the content of the first two semesters is interchanged.



Consolidation Phase:

In the first year of their studies participants consolidate their knowledge in advanced theoretical and experimental physics. Advanced quantum mechanics and the Master Laboratory are mandatory classes. Advanced physics courses can be selected from a range of state-of-the-art topics in the main research areas of the department. Students can choose each semester among various term papers, where they learn to give oral presentations and prepare written hand-outs in English on a specific topic of modern research. In addition, students can select from a variety of elective courses in physics, from course programmes of other faculties, or from advanced English classes and classes in scientific writing.

Research Phase:

During their final one-year Research Traineeship and the Master thesis, students specialize in a particular field by participating in a cutting-edge research project at the Institute of Physics or one of the associated research centers, e.g. the Freiburg Materials Research Center (FMF), the Freiburg Institute for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies (FIT), the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Mechanics (IWM), the Institute for Solar Physics (KIS), the Freiburg Center for Data Analysis and Modelling (FDM), the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), or with one of the co-opted members at the Faculty of Biology, the Faculty of Medicine, or the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK).





Important Documents


Forms and Applications:



PD Dr. Markus Walther
Student Advice / Counselling Service (B.Sc. und M.Sc.)
Westbau 02 021
Tel. +49 (0)761 203 5721
Office hours: Mo, Thu 10:30-12:30



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