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Cooperating Research Centers


Freiburge Materials Research Center (FMF)

The Freiburg Materials Research Center is a central research institute of the Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg, which has been successfully doing interdisciplinary basic research as well as specific third-party research in the field of new materials and materials-related technologies since 1990.


Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE)

The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE conducts research on the technology needed to supply energy efficiently and on an environmentally sound basis in industrialised, threshold and developing countries. To this purpose, the Institute develops systems, components, materials and processes in the areas of the thermal use of solar energy, solar building, solar cells, electrical power supplies, chemical energy conversion, energy storage and the rational use of energy.


Institute for Solar Physics (KIS)

The Institute for Solar Physics (KIS), conducts basic research in astronomy and astrophysics with a particular focus on solar physics. The institute's structure and operation are based on three strategic pillars: 1) fundamental research, 2) operation of the German solar telescope infrastructure on Tenerife, and 3) research in data science and operation of the Science Data Center. The institute's professors and docents, who qualify as lecturers and who have been appointed by Freiburg University, offer lectures at various degree levels and train young scientists.


Freiburg Center for Data Analysis and Modeling (FDM)

The FDM is one of 15 academic centers of the University of Freiburg. It was founded in 1994 and is dedicated to the application of methods for data analysis and modeling that have been developed in mathematical statistics and the field of nonlinear dynamical systems in theoretical physics. These methods are being applied mainly to financial and medical data where their utility is tested and, if necessary, advanced.


Freiburg Centre for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies (FIT)

At the Freiburg Centre for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies (FIT) the University of Freiburg pools its core competencies in the fields of materials research, physics, chemistry, microsystems engineering, polymer sciences, biomimetics and medicine. Through cutting edge basic research on interactive materials (“Smart Materials”, “Self-X Materials”) and intelligent systems, a future-oriented research centre has been established across disciplines, institutions and borders. Inspired by the adaptability of biological models, these new materials and systems react to changes in their environment by modifying their properties accordingly. In addition, they can regulate themselves without external energy supply. That way, these smart and adaptive materials are able to constantly adapt their properties to changes in their surroundings and to human needs.

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