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Scientific honesty and the principles of good scientific practice

Scientific honesty and the principles of good scientific practice are an indispensable prerequisites for all scientific work and ensure a high quality in research and teaching.

A summary of the topic, including a few examples of a proper code of conduct, can be found in this handout (PDF).


Laws, regulations, guidelines and recommendations

The legal basis is Section 3 (5) of the Law on Universities in Baden-Württemberg (State University Act / Landeshochschulgesetz - LHG) §3 Freiheit von Wissenschaft und Kunst, Forschung, Lehre und Studium; wissenschaftliche Redlichkeit


Further, the German Physical Society (DPG), the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Science Council, and other scientific associations have published memoranda, guidelines, and codes of conduct:


The guidelines of the Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg:


Practical information from the Institute of Physics:

A lively discourse on honesty in science is practiced at our institute and is imbedded in teaching (internships, seminars and theses) and in research. In particular, an open discussion on this topic is held once a year by all members of the institute. The date will be announced by invitation.

Contact for questions:

  • Teaching / studies: Studiendekan
  • Research: Institutsdirektor
  • Representative for Academic Self-Regulation of the University of Freiburg: "The representative for academic self-regulation advises persons who inform him of an alleged case of academic misconduct as well as those who have been accused of academic misconduct. He also investigates cases of alleged academic misconduct on his own initiative. The representative investigates the concreteness and significance of the allegations in accordance with plausibility criteria and informs the responsible governing bodies if he deems further action to be necessary. He is bound to strict confidentiality." [link]


The University of Freiburg has set up the "Integrity in Research" Coordination Office

The University of Freiburg on 15 October established the "Integrity in Research" Coordination Office to create structures, concentrate tasks, and streamline procedures. The office is responsible for conceptual planning and operative implementation of tasks related to integrity in research. Tobias Haas, who is also the personal consultant of Prof. Dr. Gisela Riescher, Vice-President for Research Integrity, Gender, and Diversity, will occupy the post. (more on this).


Ombudsman for science

Mediators for conflicts regarding scientific misconduct

  • Representative for Academic Self-Regulation of the University of Freiburg (link, and see above: 'Practical information from the Institute of Physics')
  • The German Research Ombudsman - Panel set up by the DFG (link)
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