Appointment - Junior Professorship for Experimental Particle Physics
Professur |
Junior Professorship (W1) for Experimental Particle Physics |
Ausschreibungstext |
The University of Freiburg invites applications for the Junior Professorship for Experimental Particle Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in the Department of Physics to be filled as soon as possible. This is a grade W1-professorship to which performance payments can be offered. This professorship is suitable for highly qualified early career researchers at an early stage in their careers. Conditions governing the appointment in accordance with section 51 (3) LHG apply. The Junior Professor is expected to have an excellent research record, in particular in data analysis, in accelerator-based Experimental Particle Physics. The focus of the research lies on data analysis in the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European research laboratory CERN in Geneva, in particular in the area of Higgs boson physics and searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. In addition, the applicant in expected to participate in preparatory studies for the next accelerator-based particle physics project at the energy frontier. An active participation in general and specific lecture courses, seminars, and other courses in the physics degree programmes as well as in the supervision of bachelor, master, and PhD theses is expected.
The following application documents are to be submitted:
Please send your application including supporting documents mentioned above and the application form citing the reference number 00003747, by June 5, 2024 at the latest. Further information on the appointment procedure can be found in the Procedure Governing Appointments to Professorships at the University of Freiburg, available under Important legal remarks: |
Ansprechpartner (Fakultät) |
Prof. Dr. Günter Reiter (49)761-203-5857, |
Ansprechpartner (Stabsstelle Gremien und Berufungen) |
Ulrike Stawarz (49)761-203-4220, |
Termin(e) der fakultätssöffentlichen Vorträge |
04.07. + 09.07.2024 |
Termin der abschließenden Sitzung der Berufungskommission |
09.07.2024 |
Termin der Beschlussfassung des Berufungsvorschlags im Senat |
25.09.2024 |
Datum der Ruferteilung |
23.10.2024 |
Rufannahme (Datum und Name) |
30.10.2024, Dr. Brian Moser |