Mid-level Faculty

The mid-level faculty members at the Institute of Physics organize themselves in a group to exchange useful information, elect representatives and discuss topics of interest.

Group members have finished their PhD and are not yet full professors, for example postdocs, anyone doing their habilitation, postdocs with habilitation, junior group leaders, associated professors, and so on, who are employed at and/or teaching at and/or related to the Institute of Physics.

The group is managed via the mailing list mid-level-list(at)physik.uni-freiburg.de. If you belong to the group of mid-level faculty members, please subscribe to the list by sending an (empty) email to mid-level-list-subscribe(at)physik.uni-freiburg.de in order to receive invitations to social events and meetings and other information relevant to our group.

Regular meetings occur on the first and last Mondays of each semester at 15:00.

See also the university's personnel development webpage for offers and qualification programs directed at postdocs and junior/tenure-track professors.

Contact person
: Gabriel Dufour, gabriel.dufour(at)physik.uni-freiburg.de

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